Medical Terminology: Resources (new lesson)
Media Type: Microsoft® PowerPoint®
Duration: 35 slides
Goal: To describe strategies for using medical resources.
Description: This presentation discusses word structure of medical terminology, including roots, prefixes and suffixes. In addition, sources of information are analyzed and the criteria for evaluating sources is explored.
Objectives: 1. To explore word structure, including roots, prefixes and suffixes. 2. To examine available resources, including medical and dental dictionaries and multimedia resources. 3. To integrate resources to interpret technical materials.
Tuesday: I will distribute to the class the Eponyms information and we will go over the Eponyms project that will be due this Friday 9/9 for a TEST grade.
Wednesday: Notebook Check for a daily grade (Slides 1-14)
Thursday: I will lecture on the Slides 1-14
Friday: We will turn in Eponyms for a TEST grade and lecture on Slides 1-14